JBang IDE Support

VSCodium Visual Studio Code IntelliJ Eclipse repl.it GitPod JDoodle


VSCodium is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft's editor Visual Studio Code. Providing all the lightweight editor features you need to get started.

jbang edit will by defaut install VSCodium; a free distribution of Visual Studio Code. It provides a good default set of extensions to have it configured to use with Java/JBang.

JBang is in Open VSX Registry

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

JBang is on Visual Studio Marketplace


IntelliJ IDEA is a very popular Java IDE. Has a lot of features; especially when it comes to refactoring and code assists.

JBang is on Jetbrains Marketplace


Eclipse is a popular opensource Java IDE. Has a large ecosystem of plugins and is 100% free to use.

JBang is on Eclipse Marketplace


repl.it is a free, online code editor that makes it easy to code, compile, run, and share in 50+ programming languages.

JBang template for Repl.it


GitPod is a free online IDE that allows you to create a dev environment for any GitHub repository.

JBang container template for GitPod


JDoodle is a free online compiler, IDE and execution environment for Java, C, C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby and many more.

Try JBang on JDoodle